Posted by admin , on Sep, 2016

Arrangements have been made. You’ve called the suppliers. You’ve organized the décor. You’ve talked to participating business owners. There’s a lot of finagling that goes on when you prepare for an outdoor event. Whether it’s a book drive, music festival, or a grand class reunion in town, there’s one addition to the plans that you and your guests will surely appreciate: a portable outdoor sink.
Why an outdoor sink?
Most outdoor events are held in huge open areas. And while there’s enough room and space for everyone and everything, one drawback to the location is often the lack of access to proper hand washing facilities on-site. That’s a problem that portable outdoor sinks easily resolve. By using a portable sink, you can easily provide everyone onsite with access to hand washing stations.
Rental offers
Another good thing to consider is that plenty of companies like Portable sink now offer portable sinks for rent. This makes it so that you don’t have to buy outdoor sinks you’re only going to use once. Instead, you can look around and scout for better offers until you find one that suits your project and budget.
Great features
Make sure you compare features before you decide on a final pick. Know what else you’re getting aside from the hand washing unit. Some companies offer a number of add-ons such as soap dispensers, paper towel holders, mirrors, water inlets, garden hose connections, propane water heaters and even fail safe operation backup water pumps. Be sure to compare all available offers so that you find the option that provides you with the most value for your money.
Make sure your hands are clean, anywhere, anytime. By renting a portable sink, providing access to onsite hand washing facilities is easy, convenient and hassle-free.