Posted by admin , on Feb, 2015

As anyone involved in engineering, plant production or engine maintenance will tell you, hydraulic cylinders are an integral part of many different machines. An integral part of the internal combustion engine, they also form a prominent part of diggers, dumpers, cranes and hoists as well as key components in a wide variety of industrial applications. Of particular interest amongst the various types of cylinders available is the telescoping hydraulic cylinder. Why not take a few minutes to find out more about this useful item?
What makes a telescopic cylinder different?
A key feature of the telescoping hydraulic cylinder is the way in which it can extend substantially from an initially compact shape. Typically the collapsed length of a telescopic cylinder is around 30% of its extended length. This enormous increase in reach explains why such components form a vital part of dumping trailers or diggers, as the extending cylinder enables the trailer floor to easily tilt to an angle sufficient for content deposition to occur. Particularly when there isn’t much room for the cylinder to be fixed in place, a telescopic item is a great solution.
Choose from a single or a double-acting telescoping hydraulic cylinder.
A single telescoping version uses hydraulic pressure to move one way, but relies on gravity or some other force to enable the cylinder to retract back into its “rest” position. This type of cylinder is commonly used for tilting trailers or other applications where a load is applied, then released. In other situations it is more appropriate to use a double acting cylinder. The design of this component requires hydraulic pressure to move the mechanism in either direction and is frequently utilized for horizontal movements where gravity will not come in to play.
Multiple staging greatly increases versatility.
While most Telescoping Hydraulic Cylinder versions feature only two or three stages, in some situations it’s possible to design a model which has as many as six different stages. Where possible fewer stages are employed, as multi-stage hydraulic cylinders are difficult to balance properly, leading to problems in useful application. Ensuring that each stage is well constructed and fits flawlessly with the other parts of the cylinder is absolutely critical in ensuring good performance.
A telescoping hydraulic cylinder is an essential part of many modern machines, so ensuring it’s well made and fit for purpose is critical. Southern Hydraulic Cylinder Inc. has substantial expertise in the design and production of hydraulic cylinders of all types, producing premium components for an extremely reasonable price. If you can see how hydraulic cylinders could play a part in helping your business to thrive, why not get in touch and see how they might be able to help?