What Advantages Come with a New AC in Sparks?

Posted by , on May, 2015

With summer on the way, it pays to take a close look at the current air conditioning system. How will it fare in the months to come? Before deciding to make do for one more year, why not spend some time investigating the benefits of owning a brand new AC in Sparks? Here are some points to consider closely.

More Energy Efficient

The old AC is in good shape, but it is getting up in years. That means it is not likely to be as energy efficient as the models on the market today. For a homeowner who would like to enjoy lower utility bills during the heat of summer, choosing to install a new unit now could be a great way to achieve the goal.

Quiet Operation

As an air conditioning unit ages, it is only natural that it will begin to make some additional sounds. This is true even if everything is still working as it should. If the unit is beginning to be loud enough to wake the homeowner up at night, choosing to invest in a new AC in Sparks will go a long way in making it easier to go to sleep and stay they way until the morning light.

Additional Features

Another point to consider is the features available on those newer units. Some of them were not available when the current unit was installed. Think of how nice it would be to connect the system with the home network and be able to control it remotely. Doing so would make it very easy to adjust the temperature setting if the homeowner ends up being out of town for an extra day or two. In addition, it will be easy enough to remotely change the settings so the unit does not have to run at full speed all day. A half hour or so before anyone is due to return home, the setting will change according to the programming and ensure the home is cool by the time the first person walks through the door.

Call a contractor today and have the current unit inspected. If it will need some work in order to make it through the summer, ask about the cost of purchasing and installing a new unit. When it is all said and done, opting for a new system may be the most cost effective option.

For more information, contact Paschall Plumbing Heating Cooling

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Posted by , on May, 2015

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