Posted by admin , on Feb, 2016

Kids’ birthday parties in Philadelphia are a common occurrence. However, a slumber party is something to really, really get excited about. While your little one is jumping up and down, the thought of having a ton of kids all night long has already made you exhausted.
Luckily, there are a few tips that will help you throw successful kid’s birthday parties in Philadelphia and still be able to keep your sanity when the night is through.
Set the Rules Early On
While you don’t want to put a damper on your child’s birthday enthusiasm, you are better off setting the ground rules before the invitations to the slumber party are even sent out. Talk to your child about the number of kids they can invite, figure out the sleeping arrangements, and set firm rules for cellphone and laptop usage.
Book the Slumber Party Elsewhere
There are many, many places that host kid’s slumber parties for birthdays on a regular basis. The kids have a ton of fun for part of the night and are ready to sleep when they get home after a full party at the place of your choosing.
Set a Schedule
For younger kids especially, setting some type of a schedule is very important. Instead, of children being able to stay up all night long, set a certain and firm bedtime. It is also a good idea to set a time that parents will need to come get their children the next morning so that you aren’t stuck with children in your home all the day after the party as well.
Keep it Cozy
Remember, that for some of these kids, this will be their first slumber birthday party away from home. Make sure that you make it clear that blankies and favorite stuffed animals are welcome. Plug in a few extra nightlights as well, so that the children are comfortable after the lights go out and its time to sleep.
These are just a few tips to help you host the perfect slumber party birthday for your child and her friends. Remember, that part of the slumber party can be held at one of the party places that cater to such things and the rest can be held at your home. Don’t forget to provide snacks, dinner, and breakfast in the morning and your birthday party will be a roaring success.