Static/dynamic VAR systems for better Power Regulation

Posted by , on Jan, 2015

The delivery of electricity to end users is not as straightforward as it may seem. Maintaining a high quality end user product while limiting losses depends upon several different factors. Some of the newer networks are designed to provide high levels of quality and efficiency, but there are still several older networks out there which do not. Network managers must realize an initial investment in efficiency solutions would net a larger return, making their implementation a sound business decision.

Advantages of static/dynamic VAR systems

These systems help to cut down on the energy lost while providing quality distribution to the end users through means of harmonic filtering and reactive power compensation. They also help to increase the capacity or output available by cutting down on waste through lost power. This latest technology improves short term voltage stability in environments of load growth which creates stress upon the transmission infrastructure.

Adequate and regulated voltage control is achieved along with system stability, increasing the overall grid security and its reliability. The regulation of the system voltage reduces the system disturbances which affect stability. With the installation of this upgrade there will be less down time and more power of a higher quality to go around.

Maintenance time and expenses are also decreased through the installation of a static/dynamic VAR system. Managers who desire to bring their networks and operations into the modern day with state of the art technology for increased capacity, efficiency and higher ratings will search for the solutions which can help them to get there.

Quality of power

Control of the power flow is essential to providing a quality product which is satisfactory for end users. Older networks have their share of system instability due to aging equipment and a lack of the compensatory technology which improves voltage stability. Peak use periods, weather disturbances and other factors may affect the operation of these networks. Power outages can result when the system becomes overloaded beyond its capacity. Upgrades to static/dynamic VAR systems can help to remedy these issues.

The installment of static VAR systems as an upgrade for old networks is an investment which enhances the efficiency of the system in several aspects. Power loss is lessened or eliminated, voltage regulation becomes more stable, overload issues are addressed as the capacity is increased, and power loss is decreased or eliminated thereby increasing profitability. For more information on static/dynamic VAR systems, visit

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Posted by , on Jan, 2015

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