Posted by admin , on Feb, 2015

The basement of a home is under a lot of stress. Most homeowners aren’t aware of how much stress their basement walls endure. This stress causes cracks and tiny gaps in the walls that will eventually allow water to penetrate. As the water makes its way into a home, it will collect in tiny spaces and allow mold and mildew to grow. The spores of this mold and mildew can quickly spread to the rest of the home. For those who suffer asthmatic symptoms, this can be a serious issue. Mold and mildew can also cause damage to wall treatments, flooring, ceiling tiles, and even the clothes hanging in closets. Mold and mildew can be easily prevented by calling a local service provider for Basement Waterproofing in Pennsylvania. Having a basement treated will prevent water penetration and keep the basement of a home dry and clean.
Preventing water damage to the basement of a home not only helps prevent mold and mildew, it also prevents damage to the foundation and other parts of a home. Once water damage starts to make its way through a home, there’s no telling how the damage could be. Older homes can suffer considerable damage from even a small amount of water. Moisture damage has a way of spreading through a home and reaching areas that can be very difficult to repair. The best thing to do is to prevent the leaks from ever starting. Simply call a local service provider for Basement Waterproofing in Pennsylvania.
There are several kinds of treatments to help prevent leaks in a basement. In most homes, a spray treatment is used. This treatment covers the entire surface of the basement, creating a waterproof surface on the walls and floors. Most treatment last for years as long as no structural damage occurs. Even after a waterproof treatment has been applied, it is still highly recommended that the basement is inspected once per year. Having the walls of a basement checked for damage will help prevent more leaks, and prolong the life of a home by making sure repairs are done quickly.