Posted by Zoe Geoffrion , on Jun, 2018

DJing is the art of playing a mix of the existing records of songs in real time. While for a layman it is nothing but mishmashing of songs, a music enthusiast knows better than to call it that. The job of a disc jockey entails a lot more. DJing is not a walk in the park. It requires training and meticulous learning of skills and software. As more and more people venture into this field for a career, only good quality cut and doing that will be easier if one has completed a DJing course.
We have also come to a time when DJing is accepted and even valued as a career. The younger generation, especially, has an appreciation for the job. Inspired by the success of many via their youtube channels, the youth have realized its potential for growth and are now giving it serious thought. The DJs of the present times are not just confined to the nightclubs but increasingly spend their time in tours and travels, performing around the world.
The major task of a DJ is to keep the audience hooked to the beat, every second of it. Blending different kinds of music, therefore, has to be done with perfection. Finding music, mixing and remixing – these are some of the different aspects where you would need to focus if you are a wanna-be DJ. One another thing that garners the attention of the viewers is mashups. Making good mashups will fetch you popularity and revenue. A DJing course will throw light on the different techniques to achieve all the above objectives.
DJs should perform in real-time. So any training programme worth its salt will concentrate more on the practical sessions than on any other. If you are thinking about joining a DJing course, make sure it is certified. DJing course also presents you an opportunity to know your genre, your strong suit. Instead of dilly-dallying and testing your luck in different genres, you can save a lot of time by specializing in the music of your taste and liking.