Posted by admin , on Jun, 2015

A Schaumburg foreclosure attorney may know about foreclosure options to prevent you from losing your home. These options may include either Chapter 7 or chapter 13 bankruptcy. Financial hardship can cause emotional and physical illness and may even take its toll on personal relationships. Don’t add losing your home to the list of your problems without first discussing your options with a qualified attorney.
How do people come to the point in their lives of facing foreclosure? Financial difficulties happen for many reasons. No one plans of defaulting on their home mortgage payments but sometimes life’s circumstances get in the way of even the most well-made plans. People lose jobs, become ill, disabled or face other personally devastating circumstances that can change their ability to make mortgage payments on time. Financial institutions are not always understanding about what may have happened to delay your mortgage payment. A foreclosure attorney in Schaumburg will listen and help you find a solution to remain in your home.
What happens during the foreclosure process? While the laws vary from state to state, your mortgage company can file foreclosure proceedings on you once you have missed the allotted number of home mortgage payments. You may receive a visit from your local Sheriff with a notice of foreclosure. Just because you have received a notice of foreclosure does not mean that there are no options left for you to remain in your home. If you have received a notice of foreclosure, you should schedule a consultation with a Schaumburg foreclosure attorney as soon as possible. Remember, time is of the essence in these cases and you must begin to file bankruptcy proceedings before a deadline date.
Your attorney will ask for specific details during your consultation about what stage of the foreclosure process you are in as well as looking at documentation you have been given from legal authorities or from your financial institution. Once he analyzes all this information, he will know how to best proceed in approaching the lender or court with foreclosure negotiations.
Both Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcies may have provisions which will allow you to remain in your home and prevent foreclosure. If you are hopelessly behind on mortgage payments and are facing the possibility of foreclosure, talk to a Schaumburg foreclosure attorney while there is still time. The first consultation is free and the sooner you find out what your options are, the sooner you can start getting your life back in order.
A Schaumburg foreclosure attorney knows about foreclosure alternatives that can help you remain in your home. You have worked too hard to lose something as valuable as your home. Chicago Debt Solutions has 5 convenient metro area locations to serve you. Julie Trepeck is a skilled attorney with extensive experience and legal knowledge of bankruptcy laws. She can assist clients in all stages of debt problems and help them find a solution. For more information or to schedule your free debt solution consultation, you may visit the website or call 312.445.9106. You can also visit their Google+ page for more information.