Posted by admin , on Jul, 2015

Real Estate Lawyers in Bel Air MD can ensure that the sale of the property goes smoothly. Whether it it the first purchase, or whether someone is buying or selling property, there are several steps that must be taken. Inspections have to be completed, titles have to be researched, and financing has to be approved. Contracts have to be drawn up and signed, and money has to be exchanged. If a house is being constructed on property, there are even more steps to the process. There is a lot going on, and there can be potential issues at any point.
A seller or buyer may have to back out of the deal, zoning problems may arise, or boundaries may be disputed. Having a licensed real estate broker, like Michael S. Birch Attorney at Law, for example, handling the details can be a great benefit. Real Estate Lawyers in Bel Air MD look out for the best interests of their client. They can help decrease stress levels and navigate you through the buying or selling process. Expert advise is provided, and communication throughout the process is clear and concise. Title examinations are completed to make sure the property can be legally sold. Titles provide important information like the legal owner of the property, if there are any bank liens on the property, and if there are any restrictions regarding rights of way or development. Buyers need to know that information before spending any money on a property or home. It is quite possible to purchase a property, and then find out the neighbors have right of way on the access road. A situation like that does not happen if an attorney is helping with the sale and drawing up the contracts.
Deed changes and property settlements are also handled by real estate lawyers. It is best to find a lawyer with many years of experience, especially if purchasing property for the first time. It can get over whelming, and it is easy to get lost or taken advantage of by less-than-honest sellers. The property is a big investment, so get the most experienced help available in the area.