Posted by Zoe Geoffrion , on May, 2018

Public drinking water supplies always have to meet certain standards, and one of the most important aspects of water treatment is chlorination for WTP or water treatment plants. The Centers for Disease Control says that chlorination is essential to killing germs and disinfecting water and that multiple kinds of processes are effective in creating optimally clean water for human consumption. What many don’t know is that the use of chlorine to make water safe is not all that new. In fact, it has been more than 100 years since the first WTP were using it. The very first time was in Jersey City, NJ back in 1908 when the city used it to disinfect, but by 1995 more than 60% of all water systems in the U.S. relied on chlorine.
Safety and Chlorination for WTP
Of course, many think of chlorine as a chemical and worry that it is unsafe. There is some validity to it, but the simple fact of the matter is that water companies carefully monitor the conditions of the water they provide. They look at all of the different agents that can appear in the water, and they make sure that water is always properly treated with waterborne diseases, contaminants and overly high levels of purification and treatment compounds. The level of chlorination in public water is never more than 4 milligrams per liter, which is four parts per million.
How It Is Done
Many are also unfamiliar with the types of chlorine that are used in water treatment plants. Generally, it can be found in compressed gas form, as a sodium hypochlorite solution or as a solid. When dispersed through the water at the right ratios, the chlorine can destroy most microorganisms that could be harmful to our health. These are typically called pathogens, and none can survive in water that has been handled properly. The membranes around the dangerous cellular organisms are destroyed by the chlorine, and the use of the compound is effective at any point in the water treatment process.
Of course, water treatment equipment and methods have to be handled by experts and must use the finest agents for chlorination for WTP, too. Cities, towns, and even private properties rely on premium systems and industry technologies, and even bespoke systems can be designed to ensure that water supplies of all kinds are as safe and pure as possible.