Why You Need Electronic Medical Records through HealthTec

Posted by , on Mar, 2015

Nowadays, technology has changed the way we manage things. It’s made many tasks and processes a lot quicker to complete, and it’s simplified the steps involved. It has allowed us to organize information with ease while keeping it updated and accessible when it’s needed most. In the fast-paced healthcare industry, it’s absolutely crucial to stay on top of everything. At HealthTec, we realize this. That’s why we’ve created a powerful and efficient method to keep electronic medical records. This software can benefit you and your patients in a few different ways.

Quick Access and Transfer of Data

You shouldn’t need to frantically flip through files to find a specific set of records. This wastes your patients’ valuable time, and it wastes yours as well. Additionally, it can be extremely frustrating! The ability to quickly access important medical information may make all the difference in an emergency situation, should you find yourself facing one. That’s why our electronic medical records system will allow you to locate and transfer your patients’ important medical data in seconds without any hassles.

Coordination among Staff Members

When important information is so readily available, there are fewer steps required to obtain it. This means it is easier to staff members to access data and stay informed. This leads to staff members who are able to coordinate with one another more efficiently. Clear communication is key in any business, and keeping everyone on the same page plays a huge role in this. We believe patients are better taken care of by well-coordinated staff.


With electronic medical records, there is no longer a need to worry about enough room to store all your patients’ records. You’ll have the security of knowing that they’re all in the same place. Switching to electronic medical records also means you will not have to spend money on all that paper. This is beneficial for your funds, and for the environment! This switch is, therefore, ideal for any company wishing to increase its resourcefulness.

Improved Accuracy

In the health industry, an error in patient data can have disastrous consequences. Often, these errors appear because of poor coordination between departments, or missing information in a file. When information is stored electronically, however, it is protected from damage. It is also available for instantaneous transfer to other departments. This will result in fewer errors, which will provide your patients with better care.

Meaningful Use Incentives

Our electronic medical records software is designed to comply with the requirements of the Meaningful Use program. By installing and utilizing it, your company will be able to take the necessary steps towards completing the stages of the Meaningful Use program and receiving incentive pay.

An Overall Better Operation

Secure patient information, communicative staff members, and efficient data management are crucial when it comes to improving your business and caring for your patients. We at HealthTec believe our electronic medical records system will help any healthcare company reach these important goals.

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Posted by , on Mar, 2015

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