Posted by admin , on Sep, 2017

The main responsibility you have as a business owner is to keep your commercial space safe and functional. Putting safeguards in place to protect against things like fire is important. Failing to get the right fire protection equipment can put you and your employees in danger. Investing in a quality smoke alarm is a great idea. Just like any other part of your commercial building, the smoke alarms you buy will need routine maintenance to stay working correctly. Find out more about this maintenance and how important it is by reading below.
Checking the Batteries on a Routine Basis
Making sure your smoke alarm has fully charged batteries in it should be a top priority. If the batteries in the alarm is dead, it may be detrimental to the well-being of your Louisville, KY business. Taking the time to test the battery backup on your smoke detectors on a monthly basis is well worth the energy you invest. The last thing you want is a delayed warning when a fire breaks out due to dead batteries. If you are not comfortable with changing out the batteries on your own, reach out to professionals in the Louisville, KY area.
Cleaning the Smoke Alarm
You will also need to clean your smoke alarm on a routine basis. Over time, these alarms will collect a lot of dust, which can lead to delayed reaction times. By taking a can of air and blowing out the smoke alarm, you will be able to remove this debris with ease.
Know When to Replace Your Smoke Alarms
Some business owners think that a smoke alarm will last forever, but this is not the case. Generally, these alarms will last around 10 years before they need to be replaced. Failing to replace old smoke alarms can lead to a number of problems.
Are you in the market for new smoke alarms? If so, give Sonitrol a call at 888-510-2001 or visit their website to find out more about this company.