Harmful Chemicals That Might Be Lurking in Your Kitchen

Posted by , on Aug, 2016

With the number of news articles on environmental well being discovering more and more harmful chemicals in everyday items, it is no surprise that a lot of people want to make sure that none of those toxins are making their way into their own home. To help you out, here are some of the more common chemicals that might be hiding somewhere in your kitchen:

Bisphenol A (BPA)

According to an article on Medical News Today, his is a chemical that is commonly found in most food and drink packaging made out of hard plastics. It can act in the same way that estrogen does, which means it can have harmful effects on your body’s endocrine system. While it may be difficult to avoid buying food that’s already in cans or packaging, you can at least make a change in your home by switching out your plastic containers for stainless steel and glass ones.


While most people think that parabens are limited to make-up and other cosmetic products, they could be hiding in your food items, too. Make sure to check the food labels on the groceries that you buy, since some companies use this chemical as a food preservative.


This type of chemical can usually be found in paper products, such as coffee filters and parchment paper. Dioxins are a byproduct caused by bleaching these paper products for aesthetic reasons. To avoid these toxins, try opting for paper products that haven’t gone through the bleaching process. They won’t really function any differently from the bleached ones, apart from appearances and color.

It may seem like chemicals are everywhere, but it’s still possible to avoid them with enough patience and diligence. Keep yourself up to date on the latest news about the environment and food practices with sites such as the Good for You Network.

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Posted by , on Aug, 2016

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